Learn French Words with SMART-TEACHER is an Android app for learning French at your own pace from home. It's the perfect way to learn French if you want to get better but don't have time to go to classes or the money to pay for a private tutor.
With Learn French Words with SMART-TEACHER, you can learn French no matter what your native language is. It offers support in English, Spanish, Chinese, Czech, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Serbian, Ukrainian, and Korean, among others. So it doesn't matter what language you speak; this app will teach you French regardless.
The app includes tons of vocabulary for you to learn. There are vocabulary lists for colors, animals, fruit, weather, tools, objects, stores, clothes, geometry, numbers, transportation, sports, travel, and much more, all in a single app.
Learn French Words with SMART-TEACHER also teaches you how to pronounce the vowels and consonants in French, so you can learn how to speak properly even without a teacher to guide you.